Wednesday 13 June 2007

First Draft Learning Activity

Note to Respondees:
The project is to design one or more learning activities (online delivery only) for a specfic audience. It should be possible for the activities to be completed within 10 hours (this could be spread over a period of time. We are not expected to include the learning material itselfrather a detailed description that includes:

the purpose of the activity
what technologies are used and why
a description of the activity itself, structture and resources used
how learners wil engage with it i.e. individually or in groups, with or without support, over what time.

Assumes participants will have home computer access. Podcast recording hardware/software will be supplied.

Activity design - learning activities

Activity design - teaching notes

Wednesday 6 June 2007


As part of H807 Innovation in elearning there is a requirement to design an elearning activity and obtain feedback from stakeholders including learners, tutors and others. The proposed design incorporates blogging as a predominant technology and it occured to me that as blogging affords reflection and would allow comment over a period of time that it would be a useful mechansim for collecting feedback.

The design is at an early stage but I will post it here and add to it over the next few weeks.